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VHS & Orange St. Traffic

Note that Orange St. is currently one-way (eastbound). Due to this ongoing city construction, Vidor High School has developed a revised plan for parent drop-off/pickup and student parking. Please review the parent drop-off/pick-up map and student parking for detailed directions. The video in the link below has been prepared for a demonstration of the driving procedures on Orange St. for the next several months.

Online Enrollment & Registration

The new year for Vidor ISD will kick off soon for our students. They will report for first day of classes on August 14, 2024. Each campus will have an orientation day or meet the teacher. Please make sure that the online registration process has been completed before arriving. Students who completed the 23-24 school year with VISD can be registered through Skyward Family Access. Students new to the district can go through the New Student enrollment/registration process. Click the button below for more information on VISD registration.

Child Nutrition Launches School Cafe Accounts

VISD's Child Nutrition services utilizes the SchoolCafe point of service platform allowing parents to easily add money to their child's lunch account, view purchase history, and more. The new service can be accessed at SchoolCafe and more information can be found on the district’s Child Nutrition page.

ParentSquare Notification System

Vidor ISD Staff and Parents utilize the notification system ParentSquare. The tool brings all district communication under one app so that parents can receive messages by text, email, app, and phone from the district level as well as from the student's campus and classroom teachers. Click the link to view a short video of how the app works.

CEP Extended for 24-25 School Year

Vidor ISD will operate the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program for the 2024-2025 school year. Schools qualifying to operate CEP serve breakfast and lunch to all children at no charge and eliminate the collection of meal applications for free, reduced-price, and paid student meals. This approach reduces burdens for both families and school administrators and helps ensure that students receive nutritious meals.

Teacher Quick Links

Eduphoria  TCMPC TEKS Resource System  Region 10

Parent/Students Quick Links

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VJHS Christmas Band Concert ‘24

VJHS Christmas Band Concert '24

Enjoy the Jr. High Concert, Symphonic and Honors Bands presenting Christmas tunes.

VJHS Christmas Choir Tour ‘24

VJHS Christmas Caroling Tour '24

Enjoy the sounds of the season from the jr. high caroling troupe.

VHS Christmas Band Concert ‘24

Vidor High School Christmas Band Concert '24

Concert Band  | Symphonic Band  |  Wind Ensemble  |  VISD Jazz Bands

Vidor Independent School District inspires, educates, and prepares all students to be successful, productive citizens.

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  • Tiffany Teran - Jan. District EOM
  • Dina Ewart - Jan. VHS EOM
  • Christine Abbott - Jan. VJHS EOM
  • Genevieve Brassard - Jan. VMS EOM
  • Amy Desormeaux - Dec. OFE EOM
  • Tiffany Collins - Jan. PFE EOM
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